Just because you're Pretty, doesn't mean you can't be Tough.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Define "Illegal"...

Alright, listen up.  Today's lesson is on Libspeak.  Libspeak is what I have termed the gush of euphemisms that spew from the mouths of the liberal left.  It markedly resembles Doublespeak.  Doublespeak was the 'governmental language' described by George Orwell.  If you have not heard of George Orwell and are not familiar with his incredibly prophetic political book "1984", then let me use Wikipedia to define the term for you:

'Doublespeak is language that deliberately disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms (e.g., "downsizing" for layoffs), making the truth less unpleasant, without denying its nature. It may also be deployed as intentional ambiguity, or reversal of meaning (for example, naming a state of war "peace"). In such cases, doublespeak disguises the nature of the truth, producing a communication bypass.'

Doublespeak has been used a lot lately, in an attempt to confuse folks about certain issues.  Sometimes they even call this "being politically correct".  However, I happen to think that we could clear up some things if we all just had a dictionary and USED IT.  Today I have some terms that are particularly buggin' me, and I'd like to take a stab at helping y'all understand the differences in meanings.
So here goes-

Illegal Alien VS  Undocumented Immigrant -
    Let's break these down individually, shall we?
1. forbidden by law or statute.
2. contrary to or forbidden by official rules, regulations, etc.   EX: When Jose crossed the border hiding in his friend's trunk, it was an illegal entry into the United States.
                                 ("PROHIBIDO" means
                          PROHIBITED in Spanish, kids.)
   [eyl-yuhn, ey-lee-uhn]
1. a resident born in or belonging to another country who has not acquired citizenship by naturalization ( distinguished from citizen).   EX: Even though Jung Lee was living in San Francisco under a work visa, he was considered an alien because he was born in Vietnam.
2. a foreigner.
1. residing under a government or in a country other than that of one's birth without having or obtaining the status of citizenship there.    EX: Hilda still had alien status because her U.S. citizenship had not yet been approved since her arrival from Germany.

 Put them together and what do you have kiddies?  An "ILLEGAL ALIEN" is someone born in another country who has come into the United States without LEGAL permission, and/or is continuing to live in the United States without the proper LEGAL authorization, in direct violation of the United States' Immigration Laws.  It is not a deragatory term necessarily, unless you object to being called out for doing something illegal.  In that case...don't do stuff that's illegal!
1. lacking documentation or authentication.
2. lacking proper immigration or working papers.
EX:  The airport officials detained Jean-Pierre as an undocumented visitor because he had forgotten to bring his work visa.
1. a person who emigrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.  EX:  Bianca's ancestors were Italian immigrants who applied for United States citizenship so they could have better lives in America.
Put these two terms together and you get a completely different perspective.  The term "undocumented immigrant" is actually a person moving from one country to another but who is without the proper documentation.  This is not necessarily due to an illegal reason however, nor does it imply that they entered the country illegally or under false pretenses.  It could simply be that they are waiting on paperwork to process, or they could be technically undocumented during a single instance because they simply do not have the appropriate paperwork on their person.  (Sure, that's a no-no, but really it's no worse of an offense than getting caught driving without your driver license on you, provided you have one and it's not revoked or anything.)
The term "immigrant"  is actually interchangeable with the term "emigrant".  Both terms are by definition persons LEGALLY leaving their homeland to pursue a future in a new place.  Generally speaking (and depending upon which dictionary you are reading) both terms also signify persons seeking to relocate to a new country "usually for permanent residence" or in other words SEEKING CITIZENSHIP.   That is, after all, the LEGAL way to immigrate.
On the other hand, the term "alien" is expressly defined in all of the dictionaries I read as a person born in one country but living in another country WITHOUT CITIZENSHIP.  Therefore, by definition, the term "alien" would apply to persons living in the United States under a work visa, student visa, green card, etc.  Not necessarily "illegal" but definitely not citizens, nor in the process of applying for citizenship.  (Can you smell what I'm stepping in here?)

So kiddies, with all this handy new vocabulary you have, you can clearly see where an "ILLEGAL ALIEN" would be a totally different thing from an "UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT".  Right?!? 

Then let's take this a step further.
The term "illegal" is by definition AGAINST THE LAW.  When someone, whether purposefully or not, commits an act that breaks the law that act is "illegal".  (How many ways do I need to put this?)  It seems to me that if you hide in a trunk or stow aboard a ship or in any other manner secret or sneak yourself into a country, you have a pretty damned good idea that what you are doing is illegal.  And what is the term we use to describe you if you do something illegal?
Say it with me now, boys and girls - "CRIMINAL".  Yep, if you commit a CRIME...
1. an action or an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public welfare or morals or to the interests of the state and that is legally prohibited.
then you will be considered a "CRIMINAL".
1. a person guilty or convicted of a crime.
1. of the nature of or involving crime.
2. guilty of crime.
So, now to put ALL of this together: 
1. If you are an illegal alien, you are BY DEFINITION a criminal. 
2. If you are an illegal alien, you are BY DEFINITION NOT an undocumented immigrant.

 Whew!  I feel better now that we've cleared THAT up!

Let's tackle a couple more...
1. the act of parachuting from an aircraft, especially to escape a crash, fire, etc.
2. an instance of coming to the rescue, especially financially: a government bailout of a large company.
3. an alternative, additional choice, or the like: If the highway is jammed, you have two side roads as bailouts.
take·o·ver  [as in corporate takeover]
1.the act of seizing, appropriating, or arrogating authority, control, management, etc.
2. an acquisition or gaining control of a corporation through the purchase or exchange of stock.
 Heeeeyyyyy.....wait a minute.....isn't the deal with the big corporation bailouts that the government technically becomes part owners?  Even if the big corporations pay the government back?  Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't that enable the government to pass legislation that will affect big corporations in WHICH THEY HAVE OWNERSHIP?  Wouldn't that pretty much mean that the fox was just put in charge of the hen house?  I think there was some broo-ha-ha over that type of nepotism during the Bush administration....something about oil, maybe?

Well, kids, I think that's enough of a lesson for one day.  Next time, we'll talk about Racism and Respect.  And we'll tackle the differences between labels, such as African-American and Mexican-American versus Black American and Hispanic American.  Until then, practice your vocabulary!  There just might be a test!

"Tact is kind; diplomacy is useful; euphemism is harmless and sometimes entertaining. By contrast, doublespeak is dishonest and dangerous."
(Julian Burnside, Word Watching. Thunder's Mouth Press, 2004)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Multi-Tasking Molly Meets Rapist Rob

Ladies, this morning we are going to talk about being safe while you're out and about! 

How many of you take your cell phone with you everywhere?  (I know, stupid question, but I was trying to make a point.)  We all have a tendency to run our errands while yakking away on our cell phones.  Walking through the parking lot on our way into the Piggly Wiggly while we talk to our honey about what groceries we need.  Chatting with our BFF while we cross the mall parking lot, excited about the big sale at Kohl's. 

I know cell phones are miraculous and all that, but can you seriously tell me RIGHT NOW without turning around - where did you park?  That's what I thought.  You were so busy telling your mom about your doctor's appointment last week that you jumped out of your car and started walking.  You didn't look around to see where you were parked, who might be near you, or if you were under a light.  Are you even sure you locked the car?
Gals, we are all guilty of it.  We are so engrossed in the conversation we are having that we forget to pay attention to our surroundings.  And it's not just because we're talking on our cell.  We lead busy lives.  Women are the Queens of Multi-Tasking.  We may be walking into the dentist office now, but in our heads we are planning our 8 year old's birthday party while making a grocery list.  It's just what we do.  But all that Multi-Tasking makes Molly miss many more important moments.  (Say THAT three times fast!)

Let's take a closer look at an average afternoon for Molly:

She pulls into the mall parking lot, talking to her child's teacher on her cell phone.  It's almost 6:00 in the evening, so it will most likely be dark when Molly comes out.  She is so concerned about her daughter's low math grade that she aimlessly circles the parking lot until she spots any open parking space.  She glances at the clock on the dash and thinks, "Dang!  I've got to hurry or dinner is going to be REALLY late!"  She jumps out of the car, still on the phone, and dashes into the store. 

Unbeknownst to Multi-Tasking Molly, Rapist Rob was sitting in his beat up cargo van just a few parking spots away.  He watched with interest while Molly parked and ran into the store.  He noted that Molly was so engrossed in her phone conversation that she forgot to lock her car doors.  While Molly was shopping, Rapist Rob waited patiently.  When the car next to Molly left, he pulled into that spot - putting his big ol' cargo van door right next to Molly's driver's side.  As dark fell, he quietly slipped out through the cargo door, leaving it slightly ajar, and slid right into Molly's back seat.

Now 45 minutes later, Molly emerges with 2 shopping bags, and stands on the sidewalk thinking, "Shoot, where did I park?"   Spotting her car in the far corner, she starts across the parking lot.  Juggling her 2 shopping bags and the soda she bought in the food court, she begins rummaging in her purse for her keys.  She pulls them out just as she reaches her car door and opens it.

I think we all know what happens next...

Now if Molly had just paid a little more attention, this whole scenario could have played out differently.  Sure Molly's conversation with her daughter's teacher was important!  But she should have sat in her car, with the doors locked, and finished that important conversation.  Then when she got out of the car, she would have remembered to lock her doors, and would have made a point to note to herself where she parked. 

When she emerged from the store, before she ever stepped off the sidewalk, she should have gathered all of her bags on her non-dominant arm while holding her keys (which she had already retrieved) in her dominant hand - car key and alarm button at the ready.  That would have left her undistracted so that as she walked towards her vehicle she would have noticed that big beat up ol' suspicious looking cargo van that is now parked next to her.  She would have had a chance to think to herself, "That van gives me the creeps." which would have raised her level of awareness.  Then she would have been more diligent in scanning under her car and in the backseat instead of obliviously climbing in to the waiting arms of Rapist Rob.

What's the moral of today's story, ladies?  AWARENESS!  Get out of that foggy white zone you are running your errands in, and step up to a level of Awareness of your Surroundings. 
Survivor - it's not just a TV show anymore.

For more training in Safety & Self Awareness, sign up for a
P.inC. Diva class today at WarriorInPink.com

Saturday, January 7, 2012

It Should Not Be Easier To Immigrate Here ILLEGALLY Than It Is To Legally

There is an awful uproar at the moment about Obama’s proposal for new hardship rules that would “make it easier for Illegal Aliens to apply for legal status and stay in the country if they have a spouse or parent already living here legally”.  Could someone please explain to me why we need to make it “EASIER” for people to break the law?  Regardless of the fact that the president is flouting the Constitution by going around Congress to shape legislative policy, as Washington Post conservative blogger Jennifer Rubin said, “It is especially distasteful that he is willing to provoke a constitutional furor ... as a political stunt, to boost his leftist base and pick a fight with a co-equal branch. “

That being said, I think in order to address this new proposal intelligently, we first need to understand what the old rule and the new rule mean, and what the difference is between the two.  The old rule states that when an Illegal Alien is CAUGHT (yes dear, that is the appropriate term for someone who is apprehended while breaking the law), he or she must apply for a Waiver in order to escape expedited deportation.  This “Waiver” was created after a 1996 law barred Illegal Aliens from coming back into the USA for 3 or 10 years, depending upon how long they had lived here illegally to begin with.  This barring was punitive, for disobeying our Immigration Laws.  The Waiver was never intended to be categorically given to everyone.  It was designed to allow an alternative to the law on a case-by-case basis.

In order to receive the Waiver, the Illegal Alien must prove that deporting him or her would pose an undue hardship on their spouse, children or parents (assuming of course, that the spouse, children or parents are actually legal citizens.)  The current system requires Illegal Aliens to return to their home country during the adjudication period (meaning the time it takes for the Judge to get around to looking at and approving the Waiver).  It can take an average of six months for the government to judge waiver cases. Obama’s new rule would allow the Illegal Alien to stay in the U.S. during the adjudication period.   So not only would the Illegal Alien not be required to stay out of the United States for a period of time as penance for breaking our laws, the Illegal Alien will not even be sent back to their own country to await the now seemingly “categorical” approval of a Waiver.  No, under Obama’s new ruling the Illegal Alien need ever even be “burdened” with leaving the United States at all.  And yes dear, the Waiver has become a categorical approval.  It is generally a slam dunk these days.  During the fiscal year of 2011 ALONE, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services received about 23,000 hardship waiver applications.  Of those 23,000 applications about 17,000 of them were CATEGORICALLY approved.  That is a whopping 74%, for those of you who didn't do the math yourselves.
 “The goal [of the new proposed legislation] is to reduce the time of separation and alleviate the extreme hardship to a United States citizen,” said Alejandro Mayorkas, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.  The U.S. Citizen no doubt was fully aware of AND ENABLED his or her spouse's Illegal Alien status, so just what hardship are we alleviating?  The hardship of complying with United States Laws?  Yes, that's terribly difficult, I know.  I mean, that's obvious just from the number of inmates in our prison system.  Perhaps we should consider legislation that alleviates their time of separation and hardship as well?  What?  "That's just silly", you say? Why?  Because the people who are in jail BROKE THE LAW?!?!?!?  Do we need to look up the definition of ILLEGAL?  It does not change simply because it is referring to an ILLEGAL ALIEN.

The Liberal Media has flaunted story after heart breaking story of Illegal Immigrants who have been CAUGHT.  For instance, there’s the story of Daisy – a Maryland second grader who told Michelle Obama during a televised interview that her parents “didn’t have papers”.  Three months have gone by, and yet they have not even faced a federal inquiry.  Oh, but it’s so SAD that while this family is living and working in the United States illegally, they are living “in fear”. Just what are they living in fear of, exactly?  Are they fearful that they will be punished for breaking the law?  Well that’s a crying shame.  Perhaps they should not have broken it.  Are they fearful that they will be made to leave a country which they entered into illegally?  Perhaps they should have applied legally like so many others have done.

Then there is the story of Laura Barajas, a 42-year-old stay-at-home mom in Orange County, California.  She “…is due to travel to Ciudad Juarez in two weeks to try to get her papers. She and her U.S. citizen husband are trying to stay positive, but she is afraid to leave him and their two young children behind.  ‘I don't want to be separated for a long time from my children,’ said Barajas, who came to the U.S. illegally to find work, then met her future husband and stayed. ‘I'm not going to risk taking them to a place that I don't even know after 18 years.’”  None of the stories mention that Mrs. Barajas does not specifically have to go to Ciudad Juarez, an infinitely renowned city of crime that just happens to be directly across the border.  None of the reports discuss how shameful it is that Mrs. Barajas and her husband have deliberately placed their children in this predicament, nor how shameful it is that they deliberately disobeyed the law for EIGHTEEN YEARS.  If I had failed to pay my taxes for EIGHTEEN YEARS do you think I would be given special consideration just because I didn’t “want to be separated for a long time from my children”?  Somehow I doubt it.

There are those who I'm sure will claim that I am "picking on the Hispanic population".   However, statistics state that the majority of Illegal Aliens are not only Hispanic, but directly from Mexico.   The stories that are so readily available in the Liberal Media all concern Hispanic individuals.  Is that just coincidence?  I think NOT.

Then there are those would call me un-Christian-like for believing that people who knowingly break the law should be held accountable.  “But what about the children?” these people cry.  Generally these are the same indivuals who wanted SEPARATION of Church and State during Bush's administration, but who now claim, “The Christian thing to do is to keep the families together!”   Nowhere in the Bible have I found any scripture that promotes the family unit above and beyond the adherence to both man’s laws and God’s laws.  Indeed, God was not overly concerned about preserving the family unit when He commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.  God was testing Abraham’s faith – his adherence to the Word of God, in other words God's LAW.  But where does the Bible tell us that Illegal Immigrants should be deported, you ask?  It doesn’t.

What the Bible does tell us though is to obey man’s law.  Matthew 5:17 tells us not to abolish the laws, but to fulfill them.   Romans 13:1-7 gives us guidance in Submission to Governing Authorities:
 1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.   6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. 

So in a way, that does address Illegal Immigration.  This scripture even advises that if you do wrong you SHOULD be afraid.  Illegal Aliens do not pay taxes.  They do not submit to the authorities obviously or they would not be here ILLEGALLY.  They do not honor our Country nor do they Respect our Laws.  Doubt me?  Google Mexican History - textbooks in Mexico do not recognize that Mexico lost both the Texas Revolution and the Mexican-American War.  What about the thousands of pictures of Hispanic Americans desecrating our flag and staging protests AGAINST America ON AMERICAN SOIL?  

No, it is not the children’s fault that their parent or parents have so blatantly ignored our laws.  But didn’t the parents put those children in this situation themselves?  Why should I be blamed for a parent who knowingly placed their child or children in harm’s way by forcing them to live in an illegal situation?  “The righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him.” Proverbs 20:7  It stands to reason that the opposite would hold true as well. 

Proverbs 22:6 “ Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”  Not only should these parents be faulted for teaching their child(ren) that it is perfectly acceptable to live outside of our Laws, but if the children endure the same repercussions as their parent(s) isn’t it probable that they will then be more likely to respect our Laws in the future?
Rick Santorum has made the point before: It shouldn’t be easier to immigrate here illegally than it is to immigrate here legally.  I for one will not condone legislation nor support legislators that make it “less burdensome” on people who come to our country flagrantly disobeying our immigration laws.  I live here and I live by our laws.  I expect everyone else to do so as well, or suffer the consequences.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcome To Lipstick, Leather & Lead!

I'd like to welcome you to my world!  Or at least the cyber-blog-thought process portion of it!  Let me introduce myself:

I am a bit of a unique individual.  I believe in God and Karma.  I believe you reap what you sow.  I believe in Doing A Good Deed Every Day.  I will on occasion cuss, but that's because it's most likely the best word for the situation.  I have an excellent vocabulary, and I can tell you off 3 ways from Sunday without cussin' but sometimes a good swear word just fits the bill!  I believe if you are a bad person who does bad things you deserve to be punished.  And if you are a good person who does good things and tries to lead a good life then you deserve to have an afterlife with your Higher Power.  I say Higher Power because while I generally conform to what constitutes as a Christian, I'm not entirely sure that Hinduism, Mormonism, Budhism, Scientology, Judaism, or even Jehovah's Witnesses are necessarily all wrong.  (Just a little joke, don't be offended! Or don't read my blog...LOL)  Who knows?  Maybe we are all referring to the same Higher Power just by different names, and we don't realize it...but that's a topic for another blog.  I digress...

We women are a special breed. We go through life holding down dozens of jobs at one time, and generally not getting paid a dime for most of them. We are chefs, wives, taxi drivers, house keepers, aunts, dog groomers (some of you may be cat groomers, but I'm a dog girl), trip planners, birthday party givers, sisters, laundry workers, school volunteers, Den Mothers, sports team leaders....well, there are tons more but you get the point!  I think our most important job is care giver - whether that be as a mother, or taking care of a parent, sibling, friend, etc. Our natural inclination is to take care of others, and unfortunately it's often at our own expense.  We are so busy driving the Scouts to their meetings and doing the grocery shopping that we become oblivious to our surroundings and even our own discomfort.  We walk around in a foggy white zone.  I believe we need to change that!

I am a staunch Republican but I think Big Government needs to get its nose out of my personal business. I think most politicians stink, and should be changed frequently, like diapers - and for the same reason.  I am a FIRM believer in my rights under the Constitution, particularly that cute little 2nd Amendment one that says the .38 Special I carry every day is my right as a United States Citizen and Concealed Carry Permit Holder.  And I dare Obama or any other idiot politician to try and take that right away.  Which is one reason I am also a card carrying member of the NRA. 

I think all women should be able to shoot a gun.  If they don't care for them and don't want to carry one that's fine, but I think they should be able to USE one if they ever need to.  Never held a gun?  Not a problem!  Call me, and I'll take you to the range!  I do not believe that the only gun to have is a "big" gun, because I do not have a penis.  Someone breaking into your home planning on raping you and killing your babies is not going to barrel on through the door saying, "Aw, that's only a .25!" His thought is morely likely to be, "Holy shit! Woman with a gun shooting at me!" and he's going to run like Hell.  What's more, I know for a FACT that a lil ol' .22 loaded with home protection ammo will do plenty of damage and stop an intruder.  How do I know that?

I know that because I am a medical professional by trade, with a degree in Radiologic Science.  I take x-rays, and I've personally x-rayed some fellers with .22 bullets in their guts, and one feller with a .25 bullet in his head.  When I'm not x-raying fellers who've been shot, I specialize in Bone Densitometry and Mammography.  Women's health is a passion for me!  Like I said, we women have a tendency to take care of everyone else and forget about taking care of us.  I spend a lot of time encouraging women to protect their health so they CAN take care of everyone else.

So basically what I'm saying is that I am here to encourage other Women to open their eyes to their surroundings.  It's time to wake up and smell the gunpowder, Ladies.  Learn to take care of yourself before you take care of everyone else and you know what?  You'll do a whole lot better job! 

Stick with me, Gals.  I'm going to prove to you that being the Care Giver doesn't mean you can't care about yourself, too.

Let's face it:  Just because you're pretty doesn't mean you can't be tough!